Where Should I Relocate A Trapped Squirrel?
Have you succeeded in catching Texas squirrel in your trap and wondering where to relocate it?
Do you want to relocate trapped squirrel in your cage but do not know the right place to
move it to? Or you are thinking of the safety of the Austin squirrel thereby searching for the
right and safe place to relocate it so it can survive at the end of the day? There are
lots of things you need to consider while preparing to relocate squirrel in your trap.
You are going to learn about them through this article.
Relocate Them At Least 5-10 Miles from the Place You Captured It
It is really interesting for you to know that squirrel is wise and intelligent animals.
They can easily trace their way back to your Austin property if you only relocate them halfway
less than 5 miles. For that reason, if you want to enjoy permanent solution to your squirrel
infestation, the best thing you need to do is to ensure that you relocate them up to 5 to 10
miles from the point where you captured the squirrel. They will not be able to return back to
your property and you will enjoy squirrel free Texas home.
Make Sure You Relocate Squirrel to Wild for Them to Survive
In order to ensure easy survival of squirrel you trapped in your Austin home, you must relocate it to a wild.
The place must have trees where they can climb to look for foods and survive. More so, relocating them
to the wild will make them never to consider returning back to your home when they have enough foods to
eat in the wild. But, you must ensure you do not release squirrel near another person’s Austin home or garden.
Do Not Relocate Squirrel to Public Lands
Relocation of squirrel must not be in the public lands as that is against the Texas law in most part of the United
States. Rather you can take the wooded area with enough water sources. That will give them chance of survival
while in the wild.
What You Must Know About Relocation of Squirrels to another Area
The truth is that, relocating Texas squirrel to a foreign will not be easy for it. Most relocated squirrels never
survived their new environment due to presence of predators like snakes and others around the area. However,
there is no other better option to humanely deal with trapped squirrels if not to relocate them to unknown and
faraway place from the trapped Austin area.
To learn more about our services, visit the Austin wildlife removal home page.