We run a professional wildlife removal business operating in Georgetown, Texas. We service the whole Austin metropolitan area, and do much of our work in Georgetown. We are a full-service
Georgetown animal trapping and removal company. We specialize in wildlife only, and are not like a regular Georgetown pest control company or Georgetown exterminator. We use humane methods to
solve wild animal problems in Texas. We solve the root of the problem, by performing home repairs to keep animals out, and preventative measures in addition to critter trapping
and removal. We offer a variety of services, from animal damage repair to waste cleanup, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We handle several nuisance wildlife
species, including squirrels, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and opossums. We also perform bat removal and bird control services, and rodent control, including poison-free mouse and
rat removal. Give us a call any time at 512-298-4791 to discuss your Georgetown animal control issue, and to schedule a fast appointment.
Georgetown wildlife control tip of the month:
Hi Austinpestwildlife, I too am a small business owner and can really Georgetown animal control appreciate when others seem to have a great service and
enjoy what they do. I was on Google today looking for ‘opposum’ pictures (Random reason why lol) and I came across
your site. I started looking and Georgetown animal control immediately with your pictures your personality and passion shines through. It looks
like you do one heck of a job and capture and release all sorts of awesome looking animals- except the nasty rats of
course haha. I thought it would be a cool note to get to let you know Georgetown exterminator someone appreciates what you are doing and I
know you are probably very successful and will Georgetown wildlife removal continue to be. Check out my site when you get a chance, I am in the
business of coaching football Georgetown exterminator kickers and punters through private lessons and camps. Have a great weekend and I wish
you much success in your career and many years to come. -Brent
Hi: I have the only reptile rescue/relocation in Georgetown, I would like to add my Georgetown animal trapping info to your list so people can find
me if needed. I am affiliated with the local wildlife rescue also. Everybody in this area has my info but would like to add
to your list so if somebody needs my help, they can fine me (hopefully). There’s been alot of releases that should NOT have
happened so I am on a mission...to stop people from doing stupid and irresponsible things Georgetown wildlife removal like this! Releasing non-native
reptiles and native reptiles, that are not releasable, which happens more than I’d like to think. I also relocate rattlers
if not injured and if possible. I follow Georgetown animal trapping Fish/Game laws with all of the rescues and relocations. I also rescue non-native
but I don’t think that has anything to do with your site. So, How can I be added to your site?
Hi Austinpestwildlife looked over your site and followed my nose just like Georgetown pest control you said. Been there since Thanksgiving at least that's
when the SMELL was discovered. Smelled it through the bathroom electrical outlet. Got a digital inspection camera for
70 bucks at harbor freight. Drilled the holes Georgetown pest control in few areas. Smelled lessened if we drilled left of outlet. Figured gotta go
right. Bingo cut a bigger square from bedroom common wall to bath. Found the nest. 3 handfuls of that stuff and there it was.
No maggots still whole. Had just remodeled my bath tub/shower but didn't cut into the back bath tub wall. Thanks for all the
tips !!! Lynn M Ps I only set traps now LOL
To learn more about our Georgetown pest animal removal services, visit the Austin animal trapping and removal home page or give us a call at 512-298-4791.