We run a professional wildlife removal business operating in Cedar Park, Texas. We service the whole Austin metropolitan area, and do much of our work in Cedar Park. We are a full-service
Cedar Park animal trapping and removal company. We specialize in wildlife only, and are not like a regular Cedar Park pest control company or Cedar Park exterminator. We use humane methods to
solve wild animal problems in Texas. We solve the root of the problem, by performing home repairs to keep animals out, and preventative measures in addition to critter trapping
and removal. We offer a variety of services, from animal damage repair to waste cleanup, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We handle several nuisance wildlife
species, including squirrels, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and opossums. We also perform bat removal and bird control services, and rodent control, including poison-free mouse and
rat removal. Give us a call any time at 512-298-4791 to discuss your Cedar Park animal control issue, and to schedule a fast appointment.
Cedar Park wildlife control tip of the month:
Hi Austinpestwildlife, I have been playing phone tag with your Cedar Park exterminator crew since yesterday, and I figured an email
might be the best way to reach you. I'm the Associate Producer on a TV show on A&E called Fix This
Yard. We will be shooting in Cedar Park in February, and we need some Cedar Park exterminator animal help. The show is a front
yard makeover show where we rip out the existing yard and replace it with a beautiful new yard in a matter
of days. For the sake of Cedar Park animal trapping TV, we always have a little "drama" that surprises the hosts while they're making
the yard improvements. Last year, while shooting in Round Rock, a gator wandered into the yard and scared
the bajeezus out of everyone. That episode set the bar for this Cedar Park animal trapping season! This season, we are looking to have a
skunk and an armadillo surprise us during rip-out. I've been in touch with a few animal wranglers in town, but
am so far not having great luck. Is it possible that you might be able to help us "plant" and animal in the
scene? After the hosts are shocked by the find, Cedar Park wildlife removal they can call you (on camera) and have you remove it, showing
your business name on the show. If a skunk and armadillo are too specific, we are open to other suggestions;
we just need to avoid a snake or a gator as they were in episodes from last Cedar Park wildlife removal season. I look forward to discussing
this further with you guys. Give me a call any time. Thanks! Jennifer
Jennifer, That show sounds great! The armadillo should be no Cedar Park pest control problem. I was thinking I could release the armadillo
from the cage stage right, then zany music starts, then I start to chase it with a net, but the armadillo quickly
digs a hole that I trip in, and it Cedar Park pest control runs away stage left. Then it enters stage left, and I chase it with the net,
but it scoots under the bushes, and when I go in after it, I get stuck, and you see my legs and buttocks
as I try to get unstuck. Then the armadillo enters Cedar Park animal control stage right and I enter stage left, and we both slow
back into the center of the scene as if we're looking out for the other, and we suddenly bump into each other
back to back, and jump up frightened and run off. Then finally I chase the armadillo with the net, and we run
off screen, and then the next thing the audience Cedar Park animal control sees is that I run back from that same direction I just exited,
but the armadillo is chasing me with the net. End scene. I can't get you a skunk, because they are non-existant
in the Cedar Park area. But there are lots and lots of opossums, and I think we could do this whole bit where
I play dead, and the opossum gets confused Cedar Park animal control, etc. Austinpestwildlife
To learn more about our Cedar Park pest animal removal services, visit the Austin animal trapping and removal home page or give us a call at 512-298-4791.